Gluten Free, Recipes, Snacks
I recently posted about our summer love affair with ice cream over on my Instagram account. When the warm weather hits, my kids LOVE cool treats. And when they visit Grammy, my kids indulge in some gluten-free, dairy-free ice cream. We are loyal forever and always to...
Gluten Free, Recipes, Snacks
If you have children, you are familiar with… cracker addictions. Am I right? Or is it just my kids? In theory this is fine, because crackers can be topped with all sorts of healthy and yummy spreads. Hummus or guacamole? Raw cheese or nut butter? There are so...
Gluten Free, Holistic Nutrition, Main Meals
Summers are not for cooking. Am I right? The days are long, hot and my kids are only interested in swimming or playing with their cousins. It’s hard enough to wrangle them to the table to eat…so the idea of spending hours in the kitchen cooking up new...
Holistic Health, Popular Posts |
Today’s generation of children is often referred to as the allergy generation. A child born today has a 1 in 12 chance of developing food allergies. (source) With the prevalence of serious allergies to foods such as peanuts, dairy, gluten and soy, it’s hard to...