Homemade Honey Antibacterial Balm
Homemade Honey Antibacterial Balm to the Rescue! My kids love getting scrapes and bruises. Well, more like they love to PRETEND they get scrapes and bruises and ironically all of them require a band aid and some of our homemade honey antibacterial balm (or...
The Kula Mama Holiday Gift List
It’s that time of year again! If your house is anything like mine, holiday gift lists are being re-drafted each day, mostly by the kids! Each year I think I’m going to start early on the shopping and the homemade gift making. And each year I wait until December and...
Homemade Children’s Cough Syrup
Man I dread those middle of the night wake ups. Don’t you? No mom likes to hear the sound of her child coughing. Especially when the coughing starts in the middle of a peaceful slumber. But a child’s cough knows no manners and middle of the night wake...
Homemade Sanitizer Spray
It always happens this way…. My kids finally find something to play together and peace reigns over the house. For about 5 minutes. Then I hear it. The telltale crash, a short, silent pause…and then…tears. It’s a bump. A scrape. A bruise....
DIY Coconut Sugar Lip Scrub
As winter lingers on and on… our skin begins to feel the effects of the cold, dry winter air. Believe it or not, it’s almost February and Valentine’s day is right around the corner. Maybe you’ll actually get out of the house with a loved one if the...
Homemade Beeswax Candles
Some days it ain’t easy being a non-toxic mama. It often feels like I’m the biggest Debbie DOWNER when it comes to products in the home. In fact, I even took the Christmas lights off the stair railing the other day because my preschooler kept touching...