Fevers and Kids: The Wet Sock Treatment
Caring for a sick child is a tough job. As parents we want to do what is best for our children and we strive to ease any and all discomfort they might be feeling. When our little one comes down with a fever it can be scary for both the parent and the child. We may...
Pumpkin Spice Bake (gluten-free)
So you all know by now that I am not a chef. I don’t play one on TV, on the internet, or EVEN pretend to be one in my own kitchen. Nope. Not me. That statement begs the question, “WHY does Kula Mama post RECIPES on her website if she’s not a chef?” Good question. I...
Homemade Travel Snacks Made EASY!
In February of 2013 our family decided to take a BIG adventure…we moved to Argentina. This was no small feat. At the time my kids were 4 and 1. We had a house full of furniture to pack, cars to sell, and our home to rent out. Sounds like a lot, but for some...
3 Things to Consider When Raising a Paleo Kid!
There is no diet today more popular than the Paleo diet. Walk down any bookstore aisle and you will see countless cookbook covers enticing you with roasted meats and non-starchy vegetables. The Paleo diet is defined as the diet of our ancestors. It encourages the...
DIY Homemade Eczema Cream
Childhood eczema can be very uncomfortable for your little one. We know all too well how child eczema can affect the whole family. You can read about how I healed my daughter’s eczema naturally in this post. I know first-hand how itchy and cranky a child with...
5 Reasons to Ditch Sugar for Happier and Healthier Kids
The sweetness that is sugar, also known as dextrose, maltose, corn syrup, glucose, or fructose is loved by the masses. Go to any celebratory occasion and you will likely see cake and soda as a focal point. My kids love sweet things, they always have. I try to stay...