I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for cold and flu season to end. With a new baby in the house we’ve really tried to be careful around here. I’ve trained Kula Baby to wash his hands so many times a day… I might be unknowingly raising a mini Howard Hughes!
For us, staying healthy starts with good nutrition so I’ve tried as much as I can to keep healthy foods on hand. Soups have been our staple because Kula Baby has yet to say no to a good soup (I just jinxed myself, didn’t I?!). Several years ago I discovered the healing magic that is home made broth (My first broth and favorite recipe to date is by Rebecca Katz and can be found in this “must have” cookbook). Not only does homemade broth taste much better than the boxed stuff you buy at the store, but you can also pack your broth full of healing minerals. When Kula Baby starts showing the first signs of an illness, I start throwing veggies into a stock pot. In his first few years he would drink this broth straight out of a mug (we called it “tea”) but now that he is an opinionated 3 and a half year old, I have to sneak it into Kula Baby approved soups before he will touch it.
I don’t always follow this recipe. The great thing about stock is that you can use whatever veggies you have on hand. Kombu adds important trace minerals like magnesium and potassium to the broth and can be purchased at any health food store.
When filling your stock pot with veggies, use clean but UNpeeled veggies. The peels have added minerals that add to your stock!

- 4 carrots unpeeled, cut into halves or thirds
- 2 onions unpeeled, cut in quarters
- 4-5 celery stalks cut into halves or thirds
- 4-5 red or yukon potatoes cut into quarters
- 2 sweet potatoes or yams, quartered
- 6-10 cloves garlic unpeeled, cut in half
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1 bay leaf
- 1 piece kombu
- 2 teaspoons sea salt
Wash all vegetables, but leave their skins on if they are organic (if they are not organic go ahead and peel them). In a large stock pot (12 quarts or more) place all ingredients and then fill the pot with filtered water until the vegetables are covered in water. You want a few inches between the vegetables and the rim of the pot so it doesn't boil over.
Bring pot to a boil and then simmer for 2-6 hours. The longer you simmer, the better. Add water when your vegetables start to peak through.
When you have simmered long enough, strain broth through a fine mesh colander or strainer into a heat proof container (we use glass). Allow to cool to room temperature before storing in fridge or freezer. I keep several containers in our freezer so I can make soup at any time!
If I was making chicken broth, would I put in a whole chicken with the meat on it? Or do I need to take it off while it cooks? Also-if the meat is on- would I start with a raw or cooked chicken?
Thanks. Hopping to do this tomorrow as I have a sick one.
Just use the bones if you can. I cook a chicken for family dinner the night before and then use the bones to make broth the next day.
when you make this broth can you can and use it for soup
Yes! Use this broth for any soup you make.