Immune Boosters for Healing

Natural Remedies for Children

Hi, I’m Heather.

I help people incorporate holistic health and nutrition practices into their everyday lives for better health.

Helping people move towards holistic living is what I love to do, and that passion comes from healing my own chronic illness with real food and plant medicine.

A few years ago I was diagnosed with Epstein-Barr Virus after a few years of wondering why my body seemed to be falling apart. I used fruits, vegetables and herbal medicine to heal my dizziness, fatigue, pain, brain fog and more.

Are you healing, too? I’ve put together a list of my favorite immune boosters. These are supplements and foods that I use regularly to keep me healthy and thriving. Download your free copy today.

Download your Immune Boosters for Healing PDF for FREE.

Immune Boosters for Healing
Immune Boosters for Healing

Immune Boosters for Healing will give you the simple, powerful blueprint to boost your health.

Holistic Medicine Kit

Build a Holistic Medicine Kit!

Sign up here to receive my free PDF, Holistic Medicine Kit Essentials. This PDF includes 10 must-have foods, herbs and supplements to have on hand when viruses starting making the rounds. By downloading this PDF you will be added to the Kula Mama newsletter list and will receive periodic emails with holistic parenting tips. 

Be prepared the next time your child feels under the weather. Download my Holistic Medicine Kit Essentials today!

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