Holistic Nutrition, Popular Recipes, Snacks |
I have to come clean about something here. My kids love bars. My daughter loves them so much she asks me for a bar about 30 times a day and I do not exaggerate that number in the slightest. As a mom, I like the idea of a bar. You know…a small, portable (!!),...
Holistic Nutrition, Snacks, Travel |
I am constantly trying to find ways to sneak in more protein and grass-fed gelatin into my kids meals. The other day we made “chocolate flowers” as my children are calling them and even my son (who usually won’t touch things made with gelatin) kept...
Holistic Nutrition, Snacks |
Lately, I’ve been pretty obsessed with making a homemade cracker my kids will eat. You see, we moved to Argentina awhile back and all things changed for us food-wise. I had no idea I was moving to the country of crackers, cookies and coca-cola, but that’s...
Holistic Nutrition, Popular Recipes, Snacks |
I have been working on this recipe for WEEKS. My kids have always loved the idea of fruit snacks, but the store bought varieties are so full of artificial colors and sweeteners that I never buy them. I love portable homemade snacks for kids so when I bought my first...
Gluten Free, Popular Recipes, Snacks
A simple way to give your child’s daily meal plan a super nutrition boost is to introduce daily green smoothies. The earlier you do this the better because a child’s taste buds start developing before birth! Pregnant and nursing women should eat a wide...
Gluten Free, Recipes, Snacks
My son eats crackers every day at school for his snack. While this isn’t exactly my first choice when it comes to his mid-morning nutrition—we don’t have a lot of other options here in Argentina. Well, maybe cookies. And if the choice is between...
Popular Recipes, Snacks |
We’ve been making these around here for the past week. They have a similar texture to store bought granola bars which my son really likes. He ate them like crazy the first day we made them, but like most things in the food department, he’s tired of it after a day…more...