Hi. I’m Heather.
I help families incorporate holistic health practices into their everyday lives for better health. I’m passionate about what I do because our kids need us now more than ever before.
Today’s generation of children is the first generation of kids expected to have a shorter lifespan than their parents. Faced with rising rates of obesity, asthma, eczema, cancer, autism and food allergies, the current generation of children is often referred to as “Generation Rx.”
I don’t know about you, but as a mother of two young children, the state of our kids’ health greatly concerns me. Long before I had kids of my own, I knew my purpose was to help elevate the health of all children. I went to graduate school to pursue a Master’s Degree in Health Education and Holistic Nutrition with the intention of helping families to create healthy holistic practices in their own lives.
My joy is the email or phone call I get from a family saying their child’s eczema cleared, or that they used a natural remedy and it WORKED! I love watching families take back ownership over their own health and wellness. Knowledge is the key to empowered health. Let’s give our kids the tools they need to grow up healthy and thriving.

Heather Haynes, MA is a holistic nutritionist who is passionate about raising the level of children’s health with healing foods, herbal medicine and green living. She runs the successful website, Kula Mama, a site dedicated to holistic health and nutrition for children. Heather also works individually with families to incorporate holistic nutrition and wellness practices into their own lives. When she isn’t writing or consulting with clients, she is usually enjoying low tide at the beach with her husband and two children in Southern California. Heather holds a Master’s Degree in Health Education, with a specialization in Holistic Nutrition.