Natural Remedies for Children
Simple homemade treatments for common childhood ailments

Hi, I’m Heather.
I help families incorporate holistic health and nutrition practices into their everyday lives for better health.
That’s what I do today, but when I first became a mother, I thought I needed to call the doctor any time my children got sick.
In the past, when one of my kids came down with a virus, I immediately put a pot of soup on the stove and then anxiously waited for the symptoms to get worse. I wanted to support them through their illnesses, but felt helpless. I knew there were many natural ways to help my children heal, I just felt overwhelmed and didn’t know where to start.
Sound familiar?
I’ve learned how to use healing foods, herbs and supplements to help my children get healthy without prescription or over-the-counter medications.
Our family has saved time and money by avoiding germy doctor’s offices and by using cheap remedies we can find at home.
I feel confident in my abilities to help my children when they are ill and better yet, my kids feel confident in their abilities to heal.

Would you like to learn about natural remedies?
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
More about Heather…
Heather Haynes, MA is a holistic nutritionist and health educator passionate about raising the level of children’s health with real food, non-toxic living and mindful practices. She runs the successful website, Kula Mama, a site dedicated to holistic health and nutrition for children. Heather also works individually with families to incorporate holistic nutrition and wellness practices into their own lives.
When she isn’t writing or consulting with clients, she is usually enjoying the mountains and rivers of Idaho with her husband and two children.
Heather holds a Master’s Degree in Holistic Health Education, with a specialization in Holistic Nutrition.

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